A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. We enjoyed our first full day with her and are trying to savor every minute.
Currently Alixandra is in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) so that they can monitor her growth and development. Since she was born at just over 35 weeks, they want to make sure everything is going well before they send her home. She is quite jaundiced and has some respiratory distress and low blood sugar. At this point, she is doing very well and hopefully will be able to go home sometime next week.
Susan is recovering well from her C-Section, and is working through the pain and discomfort from her incision. They will likely send us home on Tuesday, but we'll probalby still spend most of our time at the NICU with Alixandra.
We also got to introduce Alixandra to one set of grandparents today. Susan's parents (Terry and Sharon) got to hold her and they were in heaven!! We also were visited by several friends and even got to spend some "alone" time with Alixandra.
Please continue to pray for Alixandra's health and development. We are so thankful for all of you and your words of encouragement.
Jeremy, Susan, and Alixandra Bill