Monday, November 12, 2007


Can you believe it? I am turning one in two weeks! Mommy decided to show you some pictures from last week! I had some fun in my new toy...the laundry basket! And I sprawled out on the couch to have some cheerios and juice. Someday, Grammy, will you make me popcorn??? I have been entertaining mommy and daddy by showing them how I can go "night-night"! I even went night-night on Rudy.


Susan said...

soooo adorable!!

Anonymous said...

As soon as your Mommy & Daddy say you're ready, I'm there with the popcorn! Auntie Susan can help you do "the face."

Love you! Grammy

Anonymous said...

My parents have lots of pictures of the Bills/Thomsens from when we were kids. Gosh, Alixandra looks a lot like Jeremy did back in the day--especially in that picture where she is lounging on the couch!