Thursday, March 06, 2008

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool...

I even make the "aaaahhhh" sound when I lean back to relax. (Daddy taught me). I got a new dress this week for Auntie Lora's wedding! It's so pretty. I got to wear it around the house. But my favorite new purchase is my shoes! I LOVE shoes. I take after my mommy that way.


Christine said...

SO cute!!!! Her curly hair is beautiful. Can't wait to see lil Alix in the wedding pics!

Melissa said...

She is precious. I love the hair! You are so blessed. I have spent the whole day on Facebook adding friends from SD. Ya think I'm going through withdrawal?

Our8angels said...

Hi there!!! I can't believe how big she is and what a CUTIE!!!! You are Truly Blessed!!! Love, Patricia

the Shaffers said...

I can't wait to see all of you! I miss you & want to see that little girl in person!
Hopefully in April! - Zan